Everyone who has served for one day in the Regiment or its antecedent regiments is automatically a member of the Association. Join up to keep in touch with others who served in it and with what's happening.
Separate to membership of the Association, the Regimental Directory is a dedicated resource to help you to find and make contact with other members of the Regimental family.
The objectives of the Association are to help:
Membership of the Association is open to anyone and everyone, regardless of age or former rank who is now serving or has ever served in the following regiments.
Membership is also open to members and former members of other Regiments and Corps, who have been attached to or served with, any of the Regiments listed above subject to a suitable recommendation by an officer of the Association.
The honour of Gold Membership may be conferred by the Executive Committee of the Association, on the recommendation of his Branch for long and exceptional service to the Association.
Proposals for Gold Membership are to be put to the AGM by Branch Chairmen in the form of a written citation.
Widows of members will be eligible for Honorary Membership of Branches should they so wish.
A similar privilege may also be extended, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, on the recommendation of Branches to anyone whom they deem to be particularly deserving and regard as “a friend of the Regiment”.
Proposals for Life Membership are to be put to the AGM by Branch Chairmen in the form of a written citation.
Remembering those from the Regimental family who have passed within the last 12 months
Further information